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In-District Transfers

In-District Transfer procedures are in place for students who reside in the Papillion La Vista Community Schools and wish to attend a school different from the one they are assigned.  In-District Transfer procedures are available on the district website and detailed in Board Policy 5004.  These procedures are established to provide district families with as much choice as possible while maintaining balanced enrollment across schools and programs with consideration for long-term population growth projections.  

If you are considering applying for an in-district transfer, here are some important reminders:  

  • The application deadline is February 1st.
  • Applications should be submitted to the Student Services Office at 420 S. Washington Street.  The application can be hand-delivered during normal business hours, mailed, or e-mailed to
  • Two elementary schools are closed to transfers for the 2025-2026 school year:  Ashbury Elementary and Prairie Queen Elementary.
  • Please note that In-District Transfer applications are not automatically approved.  Applications are subject to consideration of numeric population balance among buildings, staffing, programming, and/or numerical capacity.   An In-District Transfer application may be denied based on those considerations.  
  • It's advisable to check our address on the map/boundaries page of the district website to confirm where you student is slated to attend next.
  • In-District Transfer applications shall be given priority over option enrollment applications of students who do not reside in the district.
  • If a high school student is considering an In-District Transfer, and they are involved in NSAA-sponsored activities/athletics, they should consult with their activities director regarding NSAA compliance rules and notifications that must be followed for eligibility.   Please note that after In-District Transfers are approved, the names of transferees will be communicated to each student’s currently-designated school and the one to which they are transferring.  Although not required, it may be advisable for a student’s family to communicate their intentions with their coaches and/or activity sponsors prior to the February 1st deadline.
  • If you live in an area where boundaries were changed and the Board of Education approved a Boundary Transition Exception (BTE) for your area, you still must complete the transfer application.  If you want to use your BTE, you MUST complete the transfer application.  Applications only need to be completed once.  This would include:
    * North Shore, Granite Falls North, Granite Lake, and other areas which were assigned to Monarch with the 2018 high school boundary change.  


For more information or assistance, please contact the Student Services Department:

  • Phone: 402-537-6214
  • Email: