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Cooperation BEST

What is Cooperation BEST?
Cooperation BEST is our School Business Partnership Program. Through Cooperation BEST, businesses and organizations are paired with schools, educational programs and our community to assist in preparing our students for tomorrow. Partnerships are based on human resources; relationships that are mutually beneficial for the school and the business.

The Cooperation BEST program was kicked off in January of 1995. The structure was developed through the combined efforts of Papillion La Vista Community Schools, the Papillion and La Vista Chambers of Commerce, and the Cooperation BEST Advisory Board. Since that time, all schools in the district have been partnered with a business or organization. Activities of the partnership program lead directly to the enhancement of student learning, while also promoting school and community involvement.

Cooperation BEST Mission:
Cooperation BEST enhances learning by connecting students and teachers to business partners to “Better Educate Students for Tomorrow”.

Who Can Participate?
All schools and any business or organization may participate. Partnerships can be with the entire school district, a selected building, or a specific program. As a result, the size of a company or organization does not matter. The only requirement is a commitment to assist with better educating students for tomorrow. Partnerships are designed to meet the needs and interests of the business or organization and the school involved.

Program Structure
School Business Partnerships are unique and based on the needs and resources of both the school and the business. Time, services, or resources may vary from partnership to partnership. To accomplish the mission of Cooperation BEST, the program utilizes the following categories of partnerships.

Community Partners

  • Provide “resources” to all schools in the District. Resources can include discounts, incentives for students, coupons, special programs or activities that occur because of a special event.
  • May or may not have the availability of human resources to be in schools and classrooms.
  • May provide fundraising opportunities for PTO’s, programs or buildings.

School/Classroom Partners

  • Have an identified building as their partner.
  • Focus on a school level; i.e. elementary, middle or high school.
  • Post-secondary and Academy partners.
  • Partner with a grade level, classroom or department.
  • May have the availability of human resources to be in schools and the classrooms.
  • Might provide activities designed to meet a specific school need.
  • Can collaborate with program facilitators and classroom teachers to supplement classroom learning experiences.
  • May provide donations or resources that are in direct relation to an educational activity.

Cooperation BEST Goals

  • Enhance classroom curriculum to connect learning experiences to business and the community.
  • Provide students and educators with experiences to understand career opportunities.
  • Establish a mechanism for the businesses and school to share expertise and services.
  • Develop mutual understanding of the importance of a strong partnership between education, business and community.
  • Increase opportunities for graduating students.
  • Expand opportunities for staff and students through internship and externship experiences.
  • Foster a climate of involvement, interaction and respect between school, business and the community.
  • Create opportunities for schools and businesses to enhance their image in the community.
  • Reinforce the relevance of the District 21st Century Skills from a business perspective.

Contact Information
For more information, please contact:
Lois Erickson, Cooperation BEST Facilitator
Phone: (402) 537-6283

Cooperation BEST Partners