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College Jump Start

Available College Jump Start Programs

College Jump Start FAQ

What is the College Jump Start program?
Through a partnership with Metropolitan Community College (MCC), the College Jump Start program provides an opportunity for PLCS high school students to begin their college experience on a college campus while still in high school. 

What options does the College Jump Start program offer?
College Jump Start offers two tracks, Senior Transition program, Information Technology program, and Cyber Security program.

Where are the classes located?
Courses for both tracks of the program are held at the MCC Sarpy Center. 

When are College Jump Start classes held?
Classes will be held daily Monday through Thursday.  The morning session meets during periods 1-3 and the afternoon session meets during periods 5-7.

Do I go to class if my high school doesn't have school?
Yes, students are expected to attend class when MCC is in session even if high school classes are not meeting.

Can I enroll for only part of the school year?
No, students must be willing to commit to the entire program (all six courses) for the entire school year.

Who will be teaching?
College Jump Start courses are taught by certified MCC teachers.

Will I earn high school and college credit?
Yes.  Students enrolled in the College Jump Start program benefit from earning college credit while also earning high school elective credits.

Will the classes I take transfer to other colleges?
Jump Start courses transfer either directly or as elective credit in most Nebraska Colleges and Universities.  Check with your high school counselor for specifics.

How much do they cost?
Through the College Jump Start program, students benefit from a significant discounted cost on college tuition.  Estimated cost per credit hour is $38.00*.  Students will take 9 credit hours per quarter for a cost of $342.00 per quarter.  *Tuition rates are subject to change without prior notice.

Who should apply?
Any student interested in getting a jump-start on their college education.