Academy Programs
- Athletic Training Academy
- Education Academy
- Health Systems Academy
- Leadership Academy
- Media Academy
- STEM Academy
- Zoo Academy
Athletic Training Academy
Who should attend the Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Academy?
Do you have an interest in working in the medical field? Are you specifically interested in sports medicine or working with athletes? Then this academy is for you!
What is the Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Academy?
The Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Academy is located at each of the high schools and is part of the regular school day. Students learn many aspects of athletic training including how to recognize, evaluate and care for sports-related injuries. Speakers from different medical fields will present to students. Students also become certified in first aid and adult CPR/AED.
What is a typical day?
During Year I, students participate in an athletic training/health related course. Students also have an opportunity for some hands-on experiences working with PLCS sports teams. Those experiences include caring for injuries, taping, assisting in rehabilitation and working at sporting events and practices.
During Year II, students who have an understanding of the fundamentals receive extended internship opportunities by working with other sports trainers and high school athletes.
Location: Papillion La Vista High School and Papillion La Vista South High School
Schedule: Usually offered at the end of the day
Prerequisites: None
Credit Options: High school elective credit
Specialized Certifications: First aid and adult CPR/AED
Cost: $50 uniform fee
Grades: Juniors and Seniors only
Education Academy
Who should attend the Education Academy?
Do you have a passion for helping children or adults learn? Are you thinking about a future career in education? Then this academy is for you!
What is the Education Academy?
The Education Academy is located at each of the high schools and is a part of the regular school day. During a one-period class, students will learn many aspects of working in the education field. Speakers from different areas of education will present to students. Students will also get the opportunity to see what it’s like as a classroom teacher at our PLCS elementary, middle and high schools.
What is a typical day?
During Year I, students participate in an introductory course in teaching and learning. Students also have an opportunity to participate in job shadowing experiences and mock interviews.
During Year II, students focus on internships. Each Education Academy student is assigned an internship in the Papillion La Vista Community Schools where they work directly with a classroom teacher. In addition to experiences in the classroom, students meet collectively once a month to share their experiences with other academy students as well as create lessons.
Location: Papillion La Vista High School and Papillion La Vista South High School
Schedule: Year I – One period during the school day at your home high school; Year II – Internship at a PLCS school
Prerequisites: None required. Suggested prerequisites include early childhood I & II, sociology and psychology.
Transportation: Students must provide their own transportation to the internship.
Credit Options: High school elective credit; UNO college credit in year two only
Cost: $50 uniform fee, cost of college credit (if applicable)
Grades: Juniors and Seniors only
Health Systems Academy
Who should attend the Health Systems Academy?
Do you like the medical fields? Do you have an interest in being a nurse, a doctor, a scientist or working in any of the other hundreds of occupations in the health care industry? Then this academy is for you!
What is the Health Systems Academy?
The Health Systems Academy is a half day program that offers two pathways, one in patient care and the other in Biomedical. Six certified teachers (science, language arts, social studies and two teaching nurses) are located at CHI Health Midlands Hospital. Students attending this academy earn 5 credits per semester towards high school graduation. The Health Systems Academy offers AP classes in language arts and social studies. Students who wish to participate in other AP or elective courses not offered at the Heath Systems Academy can take them at their home high school.
Patient Care Pathway
What is a typical day in the patient care pathway?
Through this academy, students are able to explore all aspects of patient care. During Year I, students take core courses designed around a health care theme, while earning their Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) license. During Year II, students continue their core curriculum along with clinical rotations. During rotations, students work side-by-side with health care professionals, while getting hands-on work in areas like the research labs, occupational therapy, diagnostics, physical therapy, surgery, X-ray, general patient care and more.
Location: CHI Health Midlands Hospital
Schedule: 7:30-10:20am or 12:30-3:20pm
Transportation: Students must provide their own transportation.
Prerequisites: On track for graduation, successfully completed 9th and 10th grade science courses.
Credit Options: High school credit, Certified Nursing Assistant License, Certified Medication Aid License and Professional Rescuer CPR
Cost: $50 uniform fee
Grades: Juniors and Seniors only
Biomedical Pathway
What is the Biomedical Science Pathway?
The Biomedical Science Pathway is based in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum. PLTW Biomedical Science applies real-world issues by exploring topics like disease, DNA analysis, prosthetic design, public health, and more. Students will build skills with state-of-the-art tools and techniques that are used by professionals in hospitals and labs every day.
Students will gain experience designing their own experiments and collecting and using data while applying critical problem-solving and communication skills. Along with the PLTW Biomedical classes, students will also take an English and/or social studies course while at the Health Systems Academy.
What is a typical day in the Biomedical Science pathway?
Through this academy, students are able to explore all aspects of the healthcare industry.
During Year I, students will take Principles of Biomedical Science and Human Body Systems. In these courses, students will focus on the basics of human biology, anatomy, physiology, and medicine. Students will build skills working with lab equipment, and with the problem-based and project-based approach to learning.
During Year II, students will take Medical Interventions and Biomedical Innovations. In these courses, students will be exposed to a range of interventions and will explore a problem in health care with the guidance of a mentor or advisor.
Location: CHI Health Midlands Hospital
Schedule: 7:30-10:20am or 12:30-3:20pm
Transportation: Students must provide their own transportation.
Prerequisites: On track for graduation, successfully completed 9th and 10th grade science courses.
Credit Options: High school credit.
Cost: $50 uniform fee
Grades: Juniors and Seniors only
Leadership Academy
Who should attend the Leadership Academy?
Do you have an interest in being a leader? Would you like to improve your leadership skills? Then this academy is for you!
What is the Leadership Academy?
The Leadership Academy is a one-year program located at each of the high schools and is a part of the regular school day. Students will learn leadership skills and focus on enhancing their own strengths while becoming a leader. Speakers from different areas of the community will present to students.
What is a typical day?
During the year, students enroll in an introductory course in leadership that teaches students about their personal leadership style. Through the course, students learn how to grow as a leader and put their skills to work.
Location: Papillion La Vista High School and Papillion La Vista South High School
Prerequisites: None
Credit Options: High school elective credit
Cost: None
Grades: Juniors and Seniors only
Media Academy
Who should attend the Media Academy?
Do you see yourself working in broadcast media in the future? Do you like writing, recording and editing videos or telling stories? Then this academy is for you!
What is the Media Academy?
The Media Academy is designed to provide students with hands-on practical training in live production of broadcast media and broadcast journalism. Students will also complete a variety of long and short form projects including but not limited to documentaries, public relations and publicity pieces and post-event production. Problem solving, teamwork, confidence building and leadership development are all focuses of the academy.
What is a typical day?
During Year I, students take media studies classes and begin to produce outside events.
During Year II, students take media production classes and work on a year long production project and complete outside production events.
During Year III and IV, students take media production classes and cover and produce outside events regularly.
Location: Papillion La Vista High School (open to students at PLHS & PLSHS)
Prerequisites: Must have a good attendance record. Must be willing to film events outside of the school day.
Transportation: Students must provide their own transportation.
Credit Options: High school elective credit
Cost: $25 uniform fee
Grades: Freshman through Seniors
STEM Academy
Who should attend the STEM Academy?
Do you enjoy solving problems, working with your hands or drawing? Does an engineering-related career interest you? Do you have an interest in taking a real world problem and designing a solution? Then this academy is for you!
What is the STEM Academy?
The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Academy is a sequence of courses that start in 9th grade and continues until graduation. STEM Academy courses complement traditional mathematics and science courses, and are designed to prepare students for post-secondary education and careers in engineering related fields. Students learn and apply the design process, acquire strong teamwork and communication proficiency. Students have access to industry standard design software used by companies like Intel, Lockheed Martin and Pixar.
What is a typical day?
This is a four year academy.
- During Year I, students enroll in Introduction to Design Engineering and Architecture (IDEA).
- During Year II, students begin a specific pathway by enrolling in civil engineering and architecture (CEA) courses.
- During Year III, students continue their chosen pathway of civil engineering or engineering & architecture development (EAD).
- During Year IV, students collaborate with their STEM Mentor and apply past STEM learning to develop and present a solution to a real life problem.
Who: Priority is given to incoming 9th grade students who are committed to pursuing a engineering related career, but entering 10th grade students may apply.
Location: Papillion La Vista High School and Papillion La Vista South High School
Schedule: One class period daily
Prerequisites: Strong interest in engineering related careers
Credit Options: High school elective credit
Cost: $25 per year
Grades: Freshman through Seniors
Zoo Academy
Who should attend the Zoo Academy?
Are you looking for a future career where you can work with animals? Do you want to learn about the environment? Do you enjoy life science and research? Then this academy is for you!
What is the Zoo Academy?
The Zoo Academy is a half day program offered at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. Three PLCS certified teachers (math, science, and language arts ) are located at the Zoo. Students attending the Zoo Academy will earn credits towards graduation. Students will go back to their high school to obtain some electives, AP credit or participate in extracurricular activities. This academy is designed to meet the individual needs of students.
What is a typical day?
Through this academy, students are able to explore all aspects of the zoo. With the entire zoo serving as the classroom, students learn their core curriculum through zoo-related themes. They will also work side-by-side with zoo professionals in a rotation of internships. Students will experience first-hand careers like zoology, genetics, ecology, vet science, horticulture, animal behavior, marine biology, zoo management, business, marketing and more.
Location: Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
Schedule: 7:30-10:15am or 12:20-3:00pm
Transportation: Transportation may be provided to and from the student's home high school.
Prerequisites: On track for graduation and successful completion of biology and chemistry classes.
Credit Options: High school credit
Cost: $50 uniform fee
Grades: Juniors and Seniors only
Academy Programs FAQ
- Who can apply?
- Where will my classes be located?
- What is the time commitment?
- Is transportation provided?
- What type of credit do I earn?
- Where is college credit from? Is it transferable?
- Are there scholarships available?
- If I participate in an academy, can I participate in extracurricular activities at my high school?
- Who are the academy teachers?
- How do I apply?
- How can I learn more about the academies PLCS offers?
- Can I tour external academy facilities?